Sunday, October 14, 2012

* IN THE CAMPAIGN CLOSET: Even my Next Door Neighbor Doesn't Know I'm a Candidate, 23 Days before Election!

You Can  Help Build This Bridge

My own neighbor (two houses down) told me today that he had no idea I was running for the Vermont Legislature.

That's because I am using social media and no other media. My audience is in a bubble, and those who do not use social media are outside it.

There are 23 days in which to build a bridge between these two worlds. 

I ask all my followers on Facebook (Paul Keane, Independent) and YouTube (PKvermonter)  and Blogger to please speak to someone outside the social media bubble  about my UN-campaign.  

This is the only campaign in America that asks the question: Can a candidate get elected using social media and no other tools, spending no money, shaking no hands, kissing no babies, accepting no money?

YOU can spread the message by word of mouth.

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